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Ski Boot Fittings New Hampshire

New Boot Goofin'

New Boot Goofin'

Beck McLean

New England autumn is in full effect here in New Hampshire. The foliage is turning, the corn is tall, the days are getting shorter, the kids are back in school, the ski boots are out… that’s right, ski boots are back out!

For most of us, our ski boots have been locked away in the closet since April and traded out for more open-toed attire. Now as the leaves drop, we can do our feet a great service by busting out those boots early and often before it’s time to hit the slopes. All ski boots have a break-in period after not being worn for a while. The earlier you get them on, the further along in the break-in period you’ll be before opening day arrives in December. “Wear them for just 10 minutes a day” says Jim Shockley, Gunstock Ski & Sport Manager and resident boot guru. “Are the Red Sox on? Throw on those boots!” This also gives you ample opportunity to sus out any discomfort spots that you may have. 

Let’s face it - ski boots are a little like Cinderella’s glass slipper. If they don’t fit right, it’s not a fun day on the hill.  If you have a pair of boots that you love that just need a few tweaks, Gunstock Ski & Sport has certified boot professionals that can do the trick. 

If you’ve been rocking the same pair of boots for a few years now, it might be time to consider upgrading. And you’re in luck! The latest range of boots from Lange, Head and Roxa are available at Gunstock Ski & Sport. 

Take the first step – Stop into Gunstock Ski & Sport. Walk-in boot fittings are always welcome, or you can make an appointment via email. The rest is easy!

The Gunstock Ski & Sport crew will start by measuring your foot and through conversation will get to know your skiing ability and needs so they can find the right boot for you.

It's not often that a boot fits perfectly right out of the box, Gunstock Ski & Sport can make additional adjustments to the fit of your boot through punching, heel lifts, liner adjustments and footbeds!


Not ready to buy? Seasonal Lease Packages for children and adults are also available through Gunstock Ski & Sport. Be sure to ask about the adult performance package and youth race package!

You can book your seasonal lease fitting appointment here.

Visit Gunstock Ski & Sport's webpage to learn more about skis, boots winter gear and all things winter gear.
