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Annual Summer Send-off Food Truck Festival

Events Calendar

Ascension Mountain Race

Sun 10th Sep 2023

A few years back, I schemed up a mountain race at Gunstock Mountain Resort that involved zero descending. Hike or run up…. rest, refuel, and prepare to give your next ascent your best effort!

Races are largely productions, with music and t-shirts and parties after. I wanted none of that. The race should BE the party. Not only would removing these elements allow us all to focus on what we are REALLY here for, it would also keep costs down for everyone, most importantly, the participant. Simple is always better. What I didn’t consider was the dynamic of an “arena”-style race: lift riders talking to and cheering on climbers. The race literally breeds its own spectators! It was a welcome, hilariously fun surprise.

Choose from 3- and 6-hour lift-descending races, which start at 9am."